Wednesday, October 19, 2016

CatCon Wrap Up

CatCon 2016 is a wrap and what an event it was! Between all of the talks and fish sales, it was one of the best catfish related events an aquarist could ask for. If you weren't there, you really missed out! All of "THE" top catfish breeders were in attendance for this one. If you missed this event, you will get another chance at a catfish convention next year with Cataclysm. This three day event was such a hit in 2015, that they are doing it all over again in 2017. And will be there as a speaker along with some of the other greats! For all of the details, visit:

Monday, October 10, 2016

Geophagus sveni

Another quick update on our Geophagus sveni. This species has become regularly available recently but they are not cheap. They are certainly worth the cost as you can see in the video below.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

CAFE Auction

Today was the local fish club auction. It was quite the auction! CAFE brought in 40 bags of New and Rare species. Certainly some of the species tempted us including some of the killifish, Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum "Lagos Red" and even the Ctenopoma ansorgii. We did come away with Biotodoma cupido and Apistogramma rubrolineata. Both are species are related Geophagus and in the subfamily Geophaganii.

We hope to be able to work with these two species in the future but for now they have some growing to do. You know the saying, "Good things come to those that wait." Geos and Co. are well worth waiting for. In the mean time, our Geophagus mirabilis spawned and we now have fry. These should be ready at some point in the spring. Good news, time to rest up after a long weekend.