Sunday, June 28, 2015

Thank You Milwaukee Aquarium Society and Madison Area Aquatic Hobbyists

A special thanks to Rob McLure to showing us around the Milwaukee area. An additional thank you to Gary Greenwood, Jim Gasior and Jeff Michels for opening up their fishrooms to Bob Townsend and I. From the Madison area, Ted Judy and Randy Peterson for opening up Ted's Fishroom to us. Bob and  I had an excellent time. Both of us have our eye on Cataclysm in the fall. For more information about this event, visit their webpage at:

We couldn't leave Wisconsin without some fish! I was able to pick up a new woodcatfish species. Currently listed as a Tatia species it could very well be a Glanidium species. Other fish species we came back include: Crenicichla sp. "Rio Orinoco, Colombia" Wild, Bunocephalus verrucosus Wild, Hyphessobrycon sp. "Junior" Wild, Belonesox belizanus, Scleromystax barbatus F-1, Corydoras weitzmani, Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum Wild (a lovely red/orange variety) and Foerschichthys flavipinnis Wild. More updates to come!

Central Aquatics where a lot of our aquariums are made
Photos by Bob Townsend of Jeff Michel's Fishroom
Photos by Bob Townsend of Gary Greenwood's Fishrooms

Photos by Bob Townsend of Jim Gaisor's Fishroom

Photos by Bob Townsend of a WI Fishstore

Photos by Bob Townsend of Ted's Fishroom

A trip to Wisconsin couldn't be complete without some beer and a wiener, the Oscar Mayer Mobile.

Tatia sp. "Marble" Wild, check out the view from above with the vivid pattern. A lot of the woodcats rival Loricarrids in color and pattern!


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Thank You Minnesota Aquarium Society!

A big thanks to Stephan Tanner for hosting me during my stay in Minneapolis, MN. The Minnesota Aquarium Society has a great group of hobbyists. Many are very knowledgeable and dedicated to such groups of fish as Bettas, Loricarrids, Corydoras and Killifish. I truly enjoyed my stay despite my luggage and fish being lost for four hours! Many thanks to those that opened their homes for me to share their fishrooms and fish stores.

A trip to Minneapolis is not complete without visiting the Mall of America. While I knew there was basically an amusement park inside of the mall, it is one thing to see it on TV and another to see it in person. I was completely overwhelmed in the amount of rides some of which include water and the amount of places to shop and eat. The Mall of America even has an aquarium (see photos below). The aquarium is kind of your typical collection of fish and inverts. It would have been nice to see the space used more properly but it was still worth seeing. If you are ever in Minneapolis, be sure to check this place out. You may need a few days to go through it especially for the shopper in your family.