Monday, March 30, 2015

Shipping Season is here!

Having worked at a fish store for over a decade really opened my eyes on how fish are shipped from various parts of the world. Massive amounts of fish stuffed into plastic bags (sometimes numbering 500 or more). I sort of mirrored this approach except placed just a few fish in smaller bags.
Things all changed when I heard Rusty Wessel give a talk on Central American cichlids. Rusty shared the use of what are called breather bags. He claimed that the fish were purged for several days and then would be placed into these breather bags. The fish were often left in these bags for weeks! You can't do that with a normal fish bag. Today, I use nothing but breather bags for shipping. We have had great success using this method. While the cost is more, it is just the right thing to do for the fish.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Aphyosemion cameronense "Est-Ebolowa ABDEK 12-502"

Here is a photo of our Aphyosemion cameronense "Est-Ebolowa ABDEK 12-502". We will have offspring of these available as the seasons change from winter to spring. Look for these on our Aquabid listing of Fishboy21 soon! We will also start selling zebra plecos here shortly. Email us at: if you are interested. There are only a limited quantity available!