Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fundulopanchax puerzli

October turned out to be quite a busy month with a lot of Fall Auctions. Unfortunately I did not get a chance to post anything to the blog last month. Some big updates will be coming over the winter as we start working on building our new fishroom! I am excited although it will entail quite a lot of work. Stay tuned as things come together. It will take some time before things are set up and ready. The one thing this hobby teaches you is patience.

Recently we acquired Fundulopanchax puerzli "Dibeng" from Tom Payne of the Columbus Killifish Group (CKG). The pair has done really well for us in a 15 gallon aquarium. So far we have roughly 40-50 fry in several aquariums with more on the way. It is our hope to re-establish this species in the killifish hobby. Below is a photo (from my phone) which while not our best, gives you an idea of the fish. We will work on a better photo.