Sunday, January 5, 2014

Jaguar Catfish Spawn

There are a few moments in an aquarist's life that makes keeping fish special. Whether it is finding a new species of fish or being the first person to have a species of fish spawn, it is truly rewarding. So here it is, the first report of Jaguar Catfish, Liosomadorus oncinus, being spawned in captivity! This also confirms, if there was any doubt, that L. oncinus is an Auchenipteridae!
I must say that I have not done anything in particular to have them spawn. Foods include frozen bloodworms, shrimp, New Life Spectrum and Repashy Gel Foods. Water is straight tap water with a pH of 7.2 and a hardness of around 180ppm. The temperature is set at 80 F. The tank has received a few extra water changes in the last month or two. Perhaps this triggered the spawning? The parents are between 6-8" and were acquired around 6 years ago. There were around 200 eggs with around 20 infertile eggs. The next step is to get them to the juvenile stage.