Friday, May 26, 2017

Trip to Cinci

A big thanks to Jerry Riegel for hosting us today in Cinci. Jerry is from the Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society (GCAS). He and his wife, Sue, opened up their home to us this afternoon. We even were able to enjoy food at a local restaurant. We do wish we could have spent more time with Jerry and Sue but there is always next time. While at Jerry and Sue's home, we picked up two wonderful species of plecos, Ancistrus sp. "Snowflake" and Hypancistrus sp. "L411", the Monte Dourado Pleco. If you ever get the chance to visit Jerry's fishroom, be sure to do so. He sure loves his plecos!

On our way back, we made a stop at Gerber's Tropical Fish in Dayton, OH. We have visited Gerber's before but wanted to check out the larger freshwater section. While they did not have a ton of rare species, they did have one of the largest collection of monster fish I have ever seen including large cichlids like Texas and Jaguar cichlids, pacu that were easily 12-14", silver dollars and two really nice Vulture Catfish, Calophysus macropterus. Surprisingly the two 12" fish were getting along just fine and perhaps have grown out of their terrible twos. We did spot an interesting yellow spotted Ancistrus but there was no location from South America given and only a single male fish. The fish was a stunning and every bit of 6"! Until next time Cinci!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

GPASI Auction and CAFE Swap

We can't express how much fun we had at the recent Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts (CAFE) Swap and Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society Inc. (GPASI) Auction. If you haven't been to a fish event, you a truly missing out! Besides all of the rare and unusual fish species, you have the chance at meeting aquarists from all over the Midwest and beyond. We were even able to snap up some rare fish and plants at each event. More on this below.

With that said, we would like to share that will be speaking at the 2017 Ultra-Aqua Show hosted by the Greater Akron Aquarium Society (GAAS) in Akron, OH. This will be a rare chance to see an all species fish show! Akron has by far the largest all species show perhaps left in North America. Year in and year out they host this great show that starts with a swap meet, followed by a dinner and speaker Saturday night. The event ends on Sunday with a fish auction along with announcing the winners of the show. We hope to catch you at this great event! For details, please visit GAAS' website at:

Finally, an update on our fishroom. Chris Benes of Pet Suppliers in Highland, Michigan has been importing fish for various events in our region. With the Emerald Green Otocinclus doing so well, we have decided to acquire a group of Zebra Otocinclus, Otocinclus cocama. This species, as the name implies, has some vibrant black and white coloration. We hope to be able to have these breed in our tanks soon. The fish are in excellent health with fat bellies. They are already eating New Life Spectrum pellets. So if you are looking for some great fish, do not hesitate in buying from Chris. He is often at the Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society (GCAS) auctions. Enjoy the short video below and happy fish keeping!