Monday, September 21, 2015

CAFE Fall Auction

The Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts (CAFE) are working hard to put on a great Fall Auction. Everyone should take a look at some of the fish they are expecting for their auction! I have a feeling this will be an auction not to be missed. So far they have posted some rare catfish, cichlids and killifish. The auction takes place at the Courtyard Columbus West. Details for the auction can be found at: Updates on the New and Rare fish can be found on their Facebook page: CAFE Facebook Page.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Big Move

We have been somewhat absent recently due to having to move our entire fishroom. It will be quite some time before things are back to normal. We hope to be able to work on things through fall and winter and be near 100% operational by spring. We will still have fish available but it may be in more limited quantities. As the fish settle back in, hopefully they will go back to reproducing. There is a lot of work to do and we hope to have air and water completed within a few weeks. For now, a few photos of the move and teasers for things to come.