A big thanks to MASI for inviting me to be their April speaker. I had a blast and have too many folks to thank! A special thank to Gary Lange for hosting me during my stay. Also in order is a special thanks to Andy White, Steve Edie and Mike Hellweg for sharing their fishrooms with me. I hope was able to take something away from my presentation and may consider keeping some Woodcatfish in the future.
Some news from the fishroom seems in order. We have fry from our Procatopus notataenia "Edea"! And it would seem that our Plataplocheilus ngaensis are finally spawning. From what I can find in the literature, there was a collection of BBW 00/25. Until I can confirm further though we will treat it as an aquarium strain. It is quite the fish with two lovely blue streaks through the body and yellow fins. Hopefully I can attempt to take photos of this species soon.