It has been a crazy few weeks. I just now feel like I am getting back to the fish. An update on a few fish species. We have recently acquired more Fundulopanchax fallax "CI98". The goal will be to establish these in our tanks so that we will have these fish long term. Once we get enough of a population going the hope will be to offer this species on a somewhat regular basis. The issue tends to be the high percentage of infertile eggs. We will continue to try new tricks until we get it right. This fish is worth the extra time!
Lastly, our Apistogramma eunotus F2 Orangetail have produced more offspring. It will be our goal to have these available some time in the late winter or early spring of 2015. The parents are taking excellent care of the offspring. We will soon place the offspring in a grow out tank for further growth.
Happy Fishkeeping!