Friday, August 22, 2014

More Eggs!

I guess we are on a roll here. Our colony of Centromochlus perugiae laid two more clutches of eggs this past week. Along with the woodcatfish eggs, our lipbrooding catfish, Loricaria sp. "Rio Atabapo" also have a clutch of eggs. Lastly, our Fundulopanchax puerzli which were obtained from our friend Tom Payne, have started to lay eggs. This is a neat killifish from West Africa which has rounded markings in a checkerboard fashion. Look for photos of these here soon.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Centromochlus and more

We continue to find more fish spawning in the fishroom this week. We just had our Centromochlus perugiae lay a batch of eggs. These fish are very popular and for good reason, just look at the photo. So far, this is the only woodcat that cares for the eggs once they are laid. It will be interesting to see if any other Centromochlus share this behavior or if this is a rarity in the Auchenipteridae.

Also this week we found eggs from our Pseudomugil paskae and Pseudomugil ivantsoffi. Both species are splendidly colored and are members of the Blue Eye Rainbowfish group. We are hopeful to be able to offer offspring of these and other Pseudomugil very soon!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Where is summer going?

Where is the summer going? At least it has felt like spring for most of it! So I am now a homeowner and the fishroom will be moved sometime in the not too distant future. The plan is to add even more aquariums to better serve the Columbus Ohio area and beyond. Yes, it does have a full basement mostly for fish.

Along with the new home, a few new updates. One, the Apistogramma sp. "Tefe" have fry! I have waited a year for these guys to finally produce. Fingers crossed I start regularly being able to offer fry. Along with the Apistos, the Tatia intermedia laid several batches of eggs as well as the Loricaria sp. "Atabapo". Hopefully some of these are large enough to start offering in the fall.