A big thanks to those that visited us while at the OCA Extravaganza! It was quite the weekend! Even getting home was an adventure as my friends Yukon broke down and ended up being towed. All and all a fun filled weekend.
A new club has formed here in Columbus, the Columbus Killifish Group (CKG). So far we have only had two meetings but it is quite the start. The first meeting mostly dealt with expectations of the club. The second meeting had a presentation, "An Introduction to Killifish" by Mark Delraso where he shared the basics of killifish care and shared a lot of photos of various killifish species. The meeting wrapped up with more discussion and a mini auction of 20 bags of fish and plants. I ended up picking up the following types of killies: Scriptaphyosemion schmitti Juarzon, Aphyosemion splendopleure Ekondo Titi and Aphyosemion splendopleure Moliwe. The A. splendopleure Moliwe were quite a surprise in color. I will have to take a photo of these some day soon. Stay tuned for more from the CKG!
Beyond that, mark your calendars for the Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts (CAFE) 2014 Convention March 28th-30th. There will be great speakers, rare fish auctions, vendors, an all day auction Sunday and a bunch of fun with fellow hobbyists. What more could you want? Visit CAFE's website for all the details: http://columbusfishclub.org/CAFE_Convention.php.